merit were received with applause none brought forth such a hearty response as the announcement that Mr. John H. Leete had been promoted to the position of assistant professor in Mathe matics. Professor Leete has been remarkably successful as a teacher and the students hold him in highest esteem for the ser vices he has done them, not only in the classroom but upon the athletic field as well. The following list represents the honor men, of the graduating class, arranged in alphabetical order: Louis Loomis Ansart, Allen Frederic Blair, Charles Alvin Brown, Raymond Lewis, Addams Stratton McAllister, Mabelle Thompson. Second Honors. Edward Bowman Espenshade, Albert Austin Gallaway, Joseph Wilson Gray, Frank Andrew Kaiser, Edward Van Ness Rawn, Rufus Tracy Strohm. COMMENCEMENT BASEBALL GAME STATE’S base ball team was again defeated—for the last time this year—by the Indians from Carlisle who ran up a score of 18 to s against them. State played a fairly good game the first inning but after that her team rapidly went to pieces. The Indians on the other hand played a remarkable game and their splendid base running, their well placed hits and the rapidity with which they safely handled the ball won for them many words of praise. Kime played, at first, a strong game, but his delivery weak ened considerably towards the end and the visitors took advantage COMMENCEMENT EVENTS First Honors j* j*