WESTOfI STANDARD Voltmeters ffli Ammeters HMHhABORATORY USE.- ACCURATE, RELIABLE, SENSITIVE. Weston Electrical Instrument Co., 114-120 William St., JAS. HARRIS. JAS. HARRIS & CO., HARDO3ARB STOVES, AN UP-TO-DATE YOUNG MAN May have good clothing, of the latest style and perfect fit, and yet he is not well dressed if his i.inbn — his Collars, Cuffs and Shirt Bosom—are not well laundered, clean and well finished. We call for your soiled linen, get it through in good season, deliver it and guarantee it to be “perfectly immaculate,” at prices that the most economical person cannot resist. STATE COLLEGE, PA. FOR— OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, REEI.EFONTE, PA. PORTER’S STEAM LAUNDRY, SEND FOR CATALOGUE. NEWARK, N. J. JAS. H. POTTER. TINWARE, E. M. PORTER.