The track team has never entered upon a season with brighter prospects. The relay races will be held at Philadelphia, April 30, and State has been entered with Cornell, Columbia, Lafayette, and Lehigh. Heretofore our men have run in classes too slow to warrant hard training, and the general management were notified that unless we were placed in a swifter class we would not enter. Three prizes will be given, and the winning of the race is only a matter of work. The team will probably be picked from the fol lowing seven men: Kaiser, Espenshade, Fulton, Norman, Knox, Mechesney and Gill. Capt. Kaiser says that no one is sure of his place, and that means harder training for individuals. The intercollegiate athletic meet will be held in Pittsburg, May 2i, and if State's team keeps tip its present good work only the support and encouragement . of the student body is necessary to insure our success. The eighth annual mid-winter meeting of the State College Athletic Association was held in the Armory March 12. There were less than the usual number of spectators present, not neces sarily indicating lack of interest, but rather a lack of patience to sit or stand through this necessarily long performance. Below is a list of events: 30-yds. dash 30-yds. high hurdle 440-yds. dash Half-mile run ot A 01 J. K. Fulton, Jr., 'or . G. M. Norman, 'oo. A. C. Pollock, 'oo. W. A. Maxwell, 'O2 . G. M. Norman, 00. H. A. Robbins, 'qr. P. A. Kaiser, '9B . • T. McA Knox, 'O2. J. K. Fulton, Jr,, 'ox. , P. A. Kaiser, '9B . E. B. Bspenshade, '9B H. C. Glenwright, 'o• . 4* secs. . 44 secs. i nun., 4 secs. 2 min., 44 secs.