Dr. Colfelt, former preacher to the College and Professor of Ethics, has been installed as the regular pastor of the Oxford Presbyterian church, Philadelphia, a position previously held by him. He will be much missed by all the students as well as by others connected with the College, and it is with pleasure that we look forward to the baccalaureate sermon which he has promised to deliver. Mrs. Clara C. Hoffman, National Secretary of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, gave a lecture in the college chapel on " The Problem that races US " the evening of March I.7th. Prof. and Mrs, Griffin furnished music for the' occasion. Mrs. Hoffman came highly recommended and it is sufficient to say that she disappointed no one. The final concert of the Mandolin Club was given at Jersey Shore, Wednesday, 'March 3zst. Gorr, '99, and Connell, 'oo, have been appointed as orderlies of the Armory and Gymnasium for next year. As no services were held in the College chapel Sunday, April loth, many of the students attended the Easter services held in the village churches. Dr. Fernald has been appointed State Zoologist. This will not interfere with his duties as Profesor of Zoology here. The second general meeting of the Engineering and Chemical Societies was held on the evening of March 17th. The follow ing was the program: The Possibilities and Limitations of Electrical Traction, Mechanical Stokers, Improvements on the Mississippi, . Owens, '9B, 'Civil. The Advantages of Sandless Pig Iron, .. Cadman, '9B, Mining. The. Manufacture of 'Water GaS, . . Carrier, '99, Chem. Col. Geo. Nox McCain gave an illustrated lecture on his " Ex periences and Adventures in Cuba " in the chapel shortly before the close of list session. It was well attended and enjoyed by all present. The proceeds are to go to a fund with which to procure a coach for the foot ball team. Keiser, '9B, Elec. Albert, '9B, Mech.