WHAT.EVER faults the library may have it certainly has one good feature, and that is every student has free and easy access to all books, for he is privileged to act as his own librarian, his self-respect being relied upon to properly re place them. Such a system is a great advantage as it means a saving of considerable time. Lately this privilege has been abused by some one abstracting books. Such conduct is ex tremely selfish and shows that a true love for books is lacking. It may be excused under the pretense of " getting even " for conditions, but, as a matter of fact, the only persons suffering are the student and his fellows, as all losses are covered by drawing upon the damage fund. It is to be hoped that such losses will cease, if not out of respect to self and to the college, at least from love to his fellow. PROVINCE Beta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity held a convention at Lewisburg on the 2 1st and 22d. State's chap- ter was represented by R. V. Rex, C. A. Randolph, L. L. Ansart, G. W. Peffer, J. H. Allen, B. L. Moore and W. L. Shearer. Monday night was given over to a dance, at which all the fraternities at Bucknell were represented. The convention closed with a banquet on Tuesday evening. The following men, arranged alphabetically in the order of their names, have been appointed as Junior Orators: Carpenter, D. B.; Carpenter, F. M.; Mallory, H. H.; McCallum, N. W.; Thomson, W. H., and Weaver, V. M. Three alternates were also appointed. They are, in the order of standing: Yundt, G. J., Bell, R. C., and Reed, J. C. The first joint meeting of the Engineering and Chemical Soci eties occurred on Feb. 12, and an organization was effected. The presidents of the various societies constitute an Executive Com- The Free Lance .0 .0 0 COLLEGE NOTES ['MARCH,