The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, February 01, 1898, Image 22

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    TH. MILLER, 'at, now holds the . strength test , record of
. .887.7 points.
Dr. 'Armsby attended the meeting of the Statelßoard of
Agriculture,' January 26th and 27th.
E. H. Hess, 'oo, recently won a's2s prize for writing the best
newspaper article on " How to Build• Up a•Dairy . Herd."
The election of officers held by the Phoenix Literary Society,
January asst, resulted as follows: J. C. Reed, '99, president; W.
H. Thomson, '99, vice-president; John Agnew, 'oo, secretary;
P. M. Carpenter, '99, treasurer; H. P. Wood, '99, critic; H. E.
Wagner, '99, marshal; S. M. Pollock, 'ox, chaplain; H. P. Wood,
'99, V. H. Miller. '99, H. 0. Way, '99,' and S. M.Pollock, 'ox,
editors of The Tattler.
Dr. Prear, Mr.. Hess and Mr., Fries, paid a short ,visit to„ the
.college, owing to a recess in the institute, work.
Dr. and ~Mrs. Armsby, Prof. and Mrs. • Watson, ; and , Mr. and
Mrs. Hayward entertained the. students of • the School of Agri
culture at the University Inn, January 24. About eighty guests
were present.
The periodicals belonging to the Engineering Library are to be
.bound as soon,as possible so as to be in more convenient form for
thesis research.
,The students in the creamery course,are now,competing for the
gold medal to be,won• by the contestant who makes the butter
scoring the highest test in the Dairy School,
The mid-winter sports will be held some time in March. 'Men
are already in training for the various events.
At a meeting of the Agricultural Association on •January 13th,
E. V. Rawn, '9B, was chosen president; J. D. Huston, '9B, first
vice-president; H. C. Musser, second vice-president, and Mr.
Garrison, secretary and treasurer. This association meets weekly
and the meetings are well attended and full of interest.
There are about twenty applicants for the cheese-making course,
which follows immediately after the creamery course,, some of the
applications coming from Vermont and northern New York.
The „Eree