1898.] A basket ball team, composed of students who live in the borough and some who remained here during vacation, played the Williamsport Y. M. C. A. team, at Williamsport, on New Year's night. The score was 24-3 in favor of State, a surprise to the Williamsport boys at least. The following schedule for gymnasium exercises will be followed until after the inter-class basket ball games: Monday, 3:30, base ball, Evening, basket ball, 'ox. Tuesday, 3:30, classes and trackmen. Evening, basket ball, 'oo. Wednesday, 3:30, basket ball, ladies. Evening, basket ball, '99• Thursday, 3:30, classes and trackmen. 4:30, 'Varsity basket ball. ivening, basket ball, '9B. Friday, 3:30, base ball. Evening, 'Varsity basket ball. Saturday, 2:00, basket ball, ladies. 3:30, classes and trackinen Evening, 'Varsity basket ball. Regular work began January to. It is possible for about fifty men to take part in each class and the student body at large is expected to join these classes. The evening of December io brought with it one of the most enjoyable social events of the season. It was the occasion of a reception and banquet tendered to the Senior class by Miss Mabelle Thompson, at her home, east of the college. The in terior decorations of the Thompson home were in the class colors, red and black, and were most tastefully and artistically arranged. Beside these, there were all the trophy cups which Ninety-eight has won during her career. The entire affair was a splendid success, and as such will long be remembered by the Senior class. The banquet, which was enjoyed by eighty-four guests, was without an equal in the history of the class. Our honored friend, Dr. Colfelt, was present, and delighted the assemblage with a most appropriate address. The following toasts were pro posed and responded to most heartily Toastmaster The Red and Black Our Characteristics The Ladies Great Expectations Alma Mater College Notes H. M. ANDRIONS . . H. G. Hunuß R. T. STROHM . L. E. THOMAS F. T. BEERS W. P. COCHRAN