The Free Lance or the Indian, he was returned to his old master, and hours had picked up the broken thread of his old had regained his original standing in the eyes of y be safe to conjecture, however, that his short, en uce in the shadow of the classic portals of the college ad not the slightest influence in making him either a tter man. R. T. STROHM, '9B. og .4 .4 IN LIGHTER VEIN MURILLO'S MA.GDALENV, Grief unutterable lies In thy upturned, anguish'd eyes,— Thou bast sinned, 0 Magdalene, Still, a pleading word half slips From those parted, quiv'ring lips,— Thy repentance, Magdalene. He hath heard thee ere 'twas spoken, Hope hath claimed thee, sin is broken,— He forgiveth, Magdalene. REVERIE Through the twilight's low-voiced silence Conies the nesting song of birds; Sweet and clear beyond the meadow Sounds the lowing of the herds. And the gentle mood that holds one, Like the memory of a song, At the threshold halts, but finding Kindly welcome, lingers long. THE MISTLETOE, The mistletoe was hanging high, The hallway lamp was burning low, Together we were standing nigh [ JANUARY, —The MI, Holyoke, —The Gettysburg Mercury