The final game of the season was played at Sitnbtiry on Thanks giving Day, and resulted as above. Be it said, however, that State at no time put up the best game of which she is capable. The entire contest was characterized by fumbles and it was indirectly by just such an occurence that Dickinson scored her only touchdown. Her “guard back” formation, however, was used to good advantage and during the greater part of the game the ball was in State's territory. The line-up. State Positions Dickinson Cartwright Clapper Murray Randolph Scholl Ruble Heckel Curtin (capt.), Fulton Cure Mechesney, Curtin The Free Lance , Dickinson, 6 —State, o . right end right tackle right guard . centre . . . . left guard . . . . left tackle . . . . . left end . . . . quarter back . . right half back . . . left half back . . . . full back . . [December, Craver (capt,) Ford . Bowner . Ralston . Sheets . . Stevens Wingert Houston Hocknerry . . Devall bowtlier