Resolved , That a copy of these resolutions be placed on the minutes of the Association; that a copy be sent to the bereaved family, and that a copy be sent to the Free Lance for publication. At a regular meeting of the Young Men’s Christian Associa tion of the Pennsylvania State College, Tuesday, September 28, 1897, the following resolutions were adopted; Whereas, God in His infinite wisdom has seen fit to remove from our ranks our dearly beloved brother and fellow-worker, Hugh McAllister Beaver, and while we deeply mourn our loss, we bow in humble submission to the will of Him who doetli all things well; therefore, be it Resolved , That we bear testimony of his Christian life, his untiring work in the Master’s cause, and his uplifting influence among his fellow students. Resolved , That in his sad departure we are again reminded of the uncer tainty of life and so remember the divine command: “ Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometli. C. W. Lawrence, J. L. Minick, V, H. MiEEER, Committee. State vs. Gettysburg, 32-0. All are glad to enter on a new college year. All the students gladly welcome Dr. Colfelt back to the college pulpit. General Beaver, who visited the college at the beginning of the term, delivered the opening address. Governor Hastings attended the foot ball game between Gettys burg and State. Dr, Atherton is now in London, having spent most of the past summer in northern Scotland. J. H, Siegfried ’OO, has been appointed to succeed D. E. Car penter ’99, in the Engineering Library. Prof. I. L. Foster is to teach Freshman Latin this year. J. W. Offiut ’99, has charge of the arc lights on the campus. The home of Prof. Buckhout has been entirely remodeled dur ing the summer, College opened this session with ninety-five new students. The Free Lance. J. H. M. Andrews ’9B, R. T. Strohm ’9B, M, R, Stevenson ’99, Committee. COLLEGE NOTES. [October,