The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, October 01, 1897, Image 27

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ness Manager at once. Unless stick notification is received
before October 25th, you will be considered a regular sub
P. O. Box, Kl 7.
The “ Free Lance ” offers two prizes of Five Dollars
each for the two best stories of over 2,000 words sub
mitted by students to the Editor before November 25th.
The Three Senior Editors will judge the relative
merits of the prodtictions submitted, the right being
reserved to reject any or all of the stories.
State Cot,t,ege, pa., Sept. 23, 1897.
Whereas, It has pleased a Divine Providence to remove from our midst
our friend and classmate, Robert Kerr Stevenson; be it, therefore,
Resolved , That in his death the Class of ’9B of the Pennsylvania State
College has lost a valued and an honored member whom we all respected
and esteemed as a man of sterling qualities.
Resolved > That we extend to his sorrowing family our heartfelt sympathy.
Resolved , That a copy of these resolutions be placed on the minutes of the
Class; that a copy be sent to the bereaved family, and that a copy be sent to
the Free Dance for publication.
WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty God in His Divine Providence to re
move from our midst our beloved friend and brother, Hugh McAllister
Beaver; be it, therefore,
Resolved , That the Athletic Association of the Pennsylvania State College,
acting for the students of the college, desire to express their profound sorrow
at his loss, During his association with us his noble and tnanly qualities
won for him the respect and esteem of all with whom he associated, while
his devotion to his Alma Mater and his affection for her students won for
him their love,
Resolved , That we extend to his sorrowing family our heartfelt sympathy
In Memotiam.
William L. Affelder, Bus. Mgr.
IFn /iDemoriam.
State Cor,lege, Pa., Sept. 22, 1897,
J. H. M. Andrews,
R. T. Strohm,
F. T. Beers,