support. It is not a private institution, but it belongs to the entire student body. It is, therefore, your bounden duty to contribute to it, both financially and in a literary line. One impression which seems to be quite general among the old students is that the adjective “ free ” in the title implies that the paper is to be furnished gratis to any and all subscribers who do not feel inclined to pay for it. If such is your idea, abandon it at once. If you do not intend to pay for it, do not subscribe for it. Were some of the students to put themselves in our position, they would soon realize that ours is no easy task. Each issue represents quite a great deal of painstaking effort, and as such it should be recognized. We are at present laboring under a heavy debt, and it is only by the almost continual dunning of delinquent subscribers that we are able to hold our own. Please pay your subscriptions promptly and cheerfully. Bear in mind that we must settle for each issue as it appears, and that we cannot wait two or three years before paying, as some of our subscribers seem to think that they are privileged to do. If you do your share, depend upon it that we shall put forth our utmost efforts to make the ‘ ‘ Free Eance ’ ’ a model for college publications. A new college year, new ideas, new students, new friends —all these greet the reader of this issue of the Free Eance. In the general newness of things would it not be advisable to turn over a new leaf, take a new pencil and write a newsy article for the IvAnce ? Or, better yet, perhaps, enclose a new dollar (though we are not so very particular about its being new) for a new sub scription to a paper which seems destined to be a new thing with every succeeding issue. This is neither a new nor an old joke. This issue of the “ Free Lance ” has been sent to all students whether or not they have previously been sub scribers. It is the duty of all students to subscribe for the Lance, since it is the only magazine published by the student body. Such persons as do not feel inclined to support their college paper will please notify the Busi- The Free Lance. Important Notice. [October, Anonymous.