1897-J At the opening of each succeeding college year it becomes the duty of the editor, or at least he looks upon it as such, to ■' size up ’ ’ the foot ball team and let the outer circle know what our prospects are for the coming season. From the time that men began to arrive at Hecla Park a week before the opening of College, it became apparent that State’s prospects, foot-ballic, were far more encouraging than a year ago. The new material that has appeared is far superior to last year’s. A number of promising candidates are now playing on the scrub, and Cure, who is sure of his place on the ’Varsity, is a rare find, indeed. The return of Cartwright and Randolph was hailed with delight, for State has never fostered two more gallant ‘ ‘ knights of the gridiron ” than these. The manner in which Captain Curtin handles his team sur passes even our most sanguine expectations, and his play is of the same high order that it has always been. The game with Gettysburg College has shown a degree of snap and vim that has not been seen on Beaver Field since the days of McCaskey and the Dunsmores. It clearly demonstrates that our defence is strong and that we can advance the ball against very sturdy opponents. The coaching of Dowler ’94 in the line is already showing good results, and his kindly words of encouragement are just what the men need. Atherton’s coaching is always of the greatest benefit, for he is a veteran of many fields and has the interest of State at heart. And right here a word to the students would not be out of place. Tet every loyal son of State give the team his heartiest support, not only financially but by his sympathy and enthusiasm. Help a foot ball man wherever you can for he has a large amount of extra work to do. If we should meet with misfortune at any time, do not blame the players. Show them that we are backing them up and are in full sympathy with them whether victory perch upon our banners or defeat should lower them for a day. It is encouragement that a team wants and not criticism. With this issue the Free Tance makes its first appearance and introductory bow to the new men. It begs to announce that it is the only representative journal published by the students of the Pennsylvania State College, and as such, that it needs your Editorial .