The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, October 01, 1897, Image 22

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    The Free Lance.
Published, Monthly during the College Year by the Students of
The Pennsylvania State College.
Associate Editors :
J. H. M. Andrews, ’9B. F. T. Beers, ’9B,
H. H. Maeeory, ’99, I W. B. Dawson, ’99, j oc
G. J. Yundt, ’99. j ' G, C. Shaad, ’OO. J
Business Manager — W. L. Affkeder, ’99.
Assistant Business Manager — J. N. Siierer, ’99.
One Volume (9 months) ,
Contributions of mutter and other information are requested from all members and ex
members of the College.
literary matter should be addressed to R. T. Stroxiai. Editor.
Subscriptions, and all business communications, should be addressed to William
1,. Affkldrk, Business Manager.
Entered at State College Post Office as Second Class Matter.
Once more lias time, in his rapid flight, brought us to the be
ginning of another college year. And never before, perhaps, has
a new year opened under more favorable circumstances nor given
such prospects of splendid possibilities—possibilities not in ath
letics alone (though at present these are foremost in the thoughts
of each and every one of us), but along all lines of work. With
such auspicious signs for the future let us acquit ourselves nobly.
We hope you all have had a most pleasant and profitable vaca
tion, and if you have not, that it was through no fault of yours.
To the new students especially we extend a brotherly welcome.
We are pleased to have you with us, and it is our sincere hope
that you will remain. We are confident that you are fully capa-
Editor ;
R. T. S'fROI-IM, ’9B.
B. C. Brady, ’OO, Pers.
terms :
. $ l.OO | Single Copies .
Payable in advance.
15 cents.