The Phoenix Literary Society has elected the following officers for the coming year. President, Geo. J. Yundt, ’99; vice presi dent, H. G. Gorr, ’99; secretary, H. O. Way, ’99; chaplain, W. T. Griffin, ’99; marshal, H. G. Gorr, 99; editors of the “Tattler,” R. T. Strohm, ’9B, H. P. Wood, ’99, and H. G. Gorr, ’99. The T. N. E. Fraternity held a banquet at the Park Hotel, Williamsport, May 28. About forty members were present. Prof. F. E. Pattee and Mr. H. K. Monroe will spend their vacation abroad. They will make a bicycle tour of England and Scotland, the trip occupying about two months. The Students’ Press Club will begin work next term under the following officers: Executive Committee, R. T. Strohm, ’9B; ex-officio; F. T. Beers, ’9B, chairman; C. B. Keiser, ’9B; record ing secretary, J. E. Minick, ’99; corresponding secretary, F. T. Cole, ’00; treasurer, R. K. Stevenson, ’9B. The college Y. M. C. A. expects to send six delegates to the World’s Student Conference to be held at Northfield during the first part of July. The annual handbook; published by the Y. M. C. A. for the benefit of new students, has gone to press. The Alumni Association has appointed a committee to look after the legislative interests of the College. Of the twenty-three members of the Board of Trustees, twelve are elected by a convention of delegates from County Agricultural and Mechanical Societies, four being selected each year for a term of three years. Those whose terms expired this year were the Hon. Francis Jordan, Col. R. H. Thomas, Gen. James A. Beaver, Cyrus T. Fox, Esq., and Gabriel Hiester, Esq., all of whom were re-elected. Ihe students will regret very much to know that Mr. E. J. Colcord, Assistant Professor of History, will not be back next Judging from the demand for catalogues and letters of inquiry receded by the President, the College will open next fall with the largest Freshman class ever yet entered, English^ 11 ™ 6 haS beeU pronioted t 0 Assistant Professor of • C ‘ S 2r yd A e ,V- WaS mUch sur Pnsed at this late date to re ceive the McAllister prize of $25.00 given to that student excelling in studies preparatory to admission into the Freshman class. The Free Lance, [June,