Dr. 09. §). dlenn, * Mn oiifl Sown. State College, Fa. . . . OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. L. OLIN MEEK, dealer in General mr, Ms, lire, Wood and Willawwnre, Glass, Paints, Oils, Etc, STATE COLLEGE, PA. Wall Paper, Picture and Boom Mould ings, Frames, Easels, Oil Paintings, Water Colors, Pastel Crayons and Everything Pertaining to the Trade. S. H. Williams, 117 West High st., IWLZEFONTII, PA. WHITE-CROSBY COMPANY, Contracting • Engineers, Equitable Building, Baltimore, Md. New York Office, 29 Broadway. Complete Electric Railways, lighting Plants ansi Gen eral Contracting. ADVERTISEMENTS. Fine Stationery $ Engraving House iiai Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. College Invitations Wedding Invitations Class Stationery Visiting Cards, Society Stationery monograms, Addresses Coats of Anns. menus and Dinner Cards Stool Plate Work for CoUege Annuals. Heraldry and Genealogy a Specialty. Coats of Arms Painted for Framing. Wm. fllanti Company, Blank Book Makers and Stationers, • Lithographers and Printers, • 529 Market St., -v-S-PHIL/ADBI/PHIA.-V*- BUSH HOUSE, W. I*. DAGGETT, Examiner... No. 9 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. T. B. & fl. B. Cochran, Proprietors. Bellefonte, Pa. PROPRIETOR. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING HOUSE,