America has 300 universities and England 94, yet there are 2,778 more professors in the latter than in the former. It is estimated that $10,000,000 will be required to erect the buildings of the American University at Washington, D. C. The corner-stone of the Hall of History was laid on October 21. This university will be for post-graduate purposes only. About 50 women, most of whom are Americans, have registered at the University of Berlin, and 150 are registered at Zurich. They are not accorded the same rights that are given the men, and are beginning to agitate for them. Julian S. Morgan, of New York, has presented to Princeton University a collection of early editions of Virgil. The books are said to be worth $50,000. The gift comprises 312 volumes, 21 of which are Fifteenth century editions, including the first rare edi tion of Sevenyheim and Pannartz, Rome, 1496, of which only six copies exist to-day. One-half of 1 per cent, of the population of the United States are college graduates. From this comparatively small number are drawn 46 per cent, of the United States Representatives, 54 per cent, of the United States Senators, 62 per cent, of the Vice- Presidents, 70 per cent, of Speakers of the House, and go per cent, of the United States Supreme Justices. During the last five years the University of Chicago has re ceived as gifts: For grounds and buildings, $ 2,150,000; for the Yerkes Observatory, $400,000; from endowment and private gifts, $9,412,000; the Morgan Park property, $30,000. The total gifts from all sources amount to $11,509,550. The Journal of Education publishes the following figures, which show the amount per capita expended by various nations for mili tary and educational purposes respectively: France . , The Free Lance. Military. Education. ..$4 00 $0 70 [February,