1897.] Of Interest , Perhaps, The largest institution of learning in the world is the University of Berlin, with an enrollment of 8,343 students. Dr. Daniel G. Brinton, professor of Archaeology and Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania, has just advanced the theory that all savages are insane. It is not likely that Yale will engage a professional coach for the base ball team this year, and Captain Keator will probably do most of the work in drilling the team. Preliminary work will be begun at once. In all the Universities of France there exist no college periodi cals, no glee clubs, no classes, no fraternities, no athletics, and they have no commencements. At Cornell there is an association for the study of brains. It asks for the brains of prominent individuals after the owners are through with them. At Brown University the Athletic Association has adopted the Australian ballot in all its elections. Foot ball, base ball, track athletics, the dramatic club, the glee and mandolin club, lecture course committee, and tennis association at Kenyon College are all under the control of the student body. The organization under which they are united is called the ‘ ‘ Kenyon College Assembly. ’ ’ The Faculty of the University of Virginia granted the students of that institution a Christmas vacation of one day, and that was Christmas day itself. Owing to the crowded condition of the California State Uni versity the regents have had erected three large tents, which are to be used as recitation rooms. The colleges of the United States were enriched during the last year by bequests and gifts to the amount of $16,814,000. Of this amount Princeton received $1,352,000, University of Cali fornia, $4,000,000 and the Methodist University at Washington, $1,040,000. In England but one man in every 5,000 attends colleges; in Scotland, one man in 520; in Germany, one in every 213, and in the United States, one man in every 2,000. A new dormitory will be added to Columbia, the cost of which will be $1,000,000. Attached to it will be a culinary department, and the entire dormitory will accommodate over 900 students