“ ‘ No,’ I answered, ‘ where and what is it ?’ ‘‘‘ Up here at the head of this ravine. It is a deep cave ex tending far back into the mountain. ’ “At the word ‘ cave ’ I started. Here was a clue. At last I had stumbled upon the hidden treasure. Already visions of golden wealth floated before my excited eyes and I began dreaming of what its riches would bring me. Then I heard Cecil continuing: ‘‘ l That is where I was the day I was hurt. I had been up there hunting for a spot from which to sketch it.’ “ ‘Let us go up to it. lam really anxious to see it,’ I said, with difficulty suppressing my excitement. Then as we walked along, I asked: “ ‘ Why do they call it ‘ Death’s Gate ?’ ” “ ‘ Oh, that is due to an old Indian legend. I believe a young brave and the girl who eloped with him to escape a forced mar riage, were sieged to death there. Surely you have heard that story. ’ “ ‘Yes, I do believe Wewoka told me something of the sort once. ’ “ And then, ashamed of my duplicity, I told Cecil of my hopes and vain searches for the treasure, and assured her that this was the right track. She laughed at my credulity. “ ‘ Do you really believe there was a treasure in the story ?’ she asked. “ ‘ Yes, I do, and I shall find it, too,’ I answered resolutely. “ ‘Here is the pjace, then,’ she said, stopping at the base of what seemed a solid vine-covered cliff. “ ‘Where ?’ I asked, staring hard before me. “ ‘ Here,’ and with a quick motion she drew back a handful of the vines, disclosing a jagged hole in the rock some six feet high. No wonder I had not noticed it, so cunningly had the hand of nature hid it that it would have taken a more than ordinary observer to detect it. “ Quickly taking out my clasp-knife, I cut away enough of the vines to make a fairly large entrance. Then I noticed that the stream which we had followed extended far back into the cave until it lost itself in the deep gloom. “ ‘I am going to explore it,’ I said, after looking into the dark recess a moment. Running to a dead pine near by, I lopped off two pitch knots and split their ends. Then lighting one I stepped The Free Lance. [February,