JAS. HARRIS. JAS. *HARDWARE* STOVES, J. S. Waite & Co., -AGENTS EOR MIK, Waverlu aml Illajostio BICYCLES AND EXTRAS. A full line of Bicycle Goods on hand. Repairing promptly done. ELLEFONTE, M. T. Achenbach, No. 2 Allegheny St., BELLEFONTE, PA. Souvenir Spoons of Penna. State College showing Main Building in the Bowl. Also a fine line of Silver Novelties, Diamonds and Vine Jewelry, Limoge Chinn, Rich Cut Glass and Banquet Lamps. WASHBURN Gt-IETIT.A.MUS, AC.A.IVIZIOLINfar Have received an agency for the sale of Musical Instruments from the largest and best Manufactory in the world, viz : Messrs. Lyon & Healy, Chicago, whose instruments have attained a world wide reputation, and am now prepared to offer the finest and most perfect sounding Instruments, together with a full line of furnishings, at prices that defy competition. In order to introduce the " 'Wash burn 99 and other leading makes of the Lyon & Healy firm into Centre County, I will, for the next 00 Days Only, allow a discount from list prices of 30 ►er cent. on Witshbur.•nS and 40 per cent. on all other• Instruments offered by me for sale. I can also furnish the finest VIOLINS, MUSIC BOXES, APOLLO HARPS, AUTOHARPS, or any oilier Musical Instruments at the above discount. For further information, catalogues, etc., call on or address Pruner Building. ADVERTISEMENTS HARRIS & CO., OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, - - •- -. BELLEFONTE, PA. PAUL C. GERHART, Bellefonte, Pa. JAS. H. POTTER. TINWARE, De. (j. S. Glenn, • PillSiCioll oo snoop, State College, Pa.. , , 33-ZLNiT.COSSI, MIT'I3:3I7IIIR. SS.