The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, March 01, 1896, Image 21

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    The Free Lance.
Published Monthly during the College Year by the Students of
Associate Editors;
E. J. Bowl4N, '96. G. W. HAwr,r,v, '96
H. H. Ar,r4UN, '97, 1 Li t
J. E. SHuELER, '97,
Business Manager—C. S. GINGRICH, '96.
Assistant Business Manager—CLAY SPRECHER, '9B
One Volume (9 months) . . . $l.OO I Single Copies
Payable in advance.
Contributions of matter and other information are requested from all members and ex.
members of the College.
Literary matter should be addressed to IL A, KAHN, Lditor.
Subscriptions, and all business communications, should be addressed to CHAS, S.
C.INGRICH, Business Manager.
Entered at Stale College Post Office as Second Class Matter.
WITH this issue the ninth volume of the num LANCE is com
pleted, hut before laying aside the editorial pen, or hanging up the
shears, or regretting that the responsibilities and. cares cannot rest
upon our shoulders always, as some have it, the editor will
briefly review the work of the staff of '96.
This volume marks a change in the size, appearance and gen
eral tone of the LANcu. Comparison with the journals of other
Colleges taught us that we were not tip to the present standard of
college journalism. The matter of preceding volumes had con
sisted mainly of essays, and,the tone of the paper was dull, didactic,
and heav .
The Free Lance
The Pennsylvania Slate College.
H. A. KUHN, '96.
C. W. HARDT, '97,
J. W. WIiITk, '9B,
F. A. KAisUR, '9 B , Per,
MARCH, 1806.
, 15 cents.