JAS. HARRIS. JAS. kHARDWARE* STOVES, J. S. Waite & Co., -AGENTS VOR.- Victor, Waverlu and Hiajostio BICYCLES AND EXTRAS. A full line of Bicycle Goods on hand, Repairing promptly done. --•-',.I3ELLEFONTE. 11. T. Achenbach , No. 2 Allegheny St., BELLEFONTE, PA. Souvenir Spoons of Penna. State College showing Main Building in the Bowl. Also a fine line of Silver Novelties, Diamonds and Vine Jewelry, Lintoge China, Rich Cut Glass and Banquet Lamps. ADVV,RTISEMF,NTS. HARRIS & CO., OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, BELLEFONTE, PA. JAS. H. POTTER. TINWARE, Dr. Ck. 8. Glenn, .*. P4Sitifill fled sorpoo, State College, Pa, , . ,