REACH'S BASE BALL GOODS. Reach American Association Ball is the best made, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Reach special colors' mill used by all League Catchers, •• • Other grades down to 2,5 c each .. . ' We also make the famous Irwin line of Catchers' Mitts and Gloves. J. REACH Tulip and Palmer Sts. PHILADELPF-11. A, ADVERTISVMEN TS ' ':•••At p ,p . - ,...- .---i.„-i , :i---- , --- ~,,,,-,--_,,----- ~. ,-,---..„- - r -)4,....f... a E E 1 MAFIA ' r/4 ' ; ‘ :, oetiCa ..liAS SOC , /,itia DOUBLE STITCH TI-3=- Catalogue 'lrmo on application Made In either: illlClfSilill Of COliSifill PATENT LACING DEEP POCKET Price $7.50. Co. PA.