There are now 230 men in training for Harvard's track team. Of these, thirty-seven were on the team last year and took part in either the Yale-Harvard games or the Intercollegiate games at New York. A new departure is likely to be made in Harvard football next fall. The eleven will line tip for actual play but three times a week, alternate days being given to some light form of exercise as different from actual football as can be devised. The University of Chicago will send a team east this spring. Arrangements are being made for games with Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Brown, Pennsylvania, Cornell and Orange Athletic Club. The trip will be made in the latter part of May. Cornell has but three of last year's ball team who are eligible to play this year. Smith and Priest, both star pitchers, are in the University, but it is said that they will be disqualified by the faculty for having played on amateur teams for money last summer during vacation. BACHELOR OP ARTS FICTION PRIZE. The Bachelor of Arts offers to its undergraduate subscribers $125 for the best original short story of college life on the follow ing conditions: i. Each story must contain not more than 4,000 words. 2. MSS. must be sent to the Bachelor of Arts, 15 Wall street, New York, marked " Prize Contest," on or before June 1, z 896. 3. Each story must be signed with the full name of the writer, who must be an undergraduate, and a subscriber for one year to this magazine.