GRAND, 1(IVI E . SQUARE PIANO FORTES, so Years Before the Public Upon their excellence alone have attained UN PURCIIASIM ritn-nurNExcn, which estab lisped them as unequalled in . . Tone, Workmanship, Toueh, Durability. WAREROOMS 112 Viftil Avenue, New York, Nos. 22 and 24 blast Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md No. 817 Market Space, Washington, D. C. Heller & Brightly, SURVEYING INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS, Ridge Ave. and Spring Garden St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. HELLint & nitionTrAn"s instruments are ex. elusively used for purposes of instruction at Columbia College (School of Mines). Massachusetts College of Technology. Sheffield Mei School of Vale College 91„ Western University of Penna. isk University. .40 Oregon State University. California State University. Dartmouth .College. Maine State College, THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE. COLLEGE ` ESTABLISHED 18 51 EIMER & AMEND IMPORTERS AND MANUFAOTURERS Chemicals gad Chalice! lipparolo Bohemian Glassware, Niokelware,Ge Mtn Glass Goods, Platinaware, German Porcelains, Balances and lveights, Microscopes, Collections, &0., 4m Glass and Metal Apparatus, Specia Made to Order, According to Draw. ings. Glass Blowing and Engra' iug done on premises. All kinds of Testing Apparatus, Re, gents and Bottles. Sole Agen for Renowned Factories. Send for Illustrated Catalogue, 205, 207, 209 and 211 Third Ave., Cor. 18th St., ADVRTISEMENTS AND UPRIGHT S. S. GRIEB, Proprietor. p_ .. it . alWMULr2 Schaffer & Sons, Illooriors an Tailors, 1303 ARCH STREET, Successors to . JOSEPH P. KEELER, State Steam Gm, Good Livery. College fuerienceo manauemom. hotel. CENTRE CO., PA. PHILADELPHIA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers