The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, January 01, 1896, Image 19
The Free Lance. Published Monthly during the College Year by /he Students of The Pennsylvania Stale College. Associate Editors: B. J. BOWEN, '96. 0. W. HAWLEW, '96 H. H. ALI,EN, '97, I Lit Simmxß, '97, Business Manager—C. S. GINGRICH, '96. Assistant Business Manager—CLAY SPRECHIM, '9B One Volume (9 months) Contributions of Matter and other• information are requested from all members and ex. members of the College. Literary matter should be addressed to H. A. KUHN, Editor•. Subscriptions, and all business communications, should be addressed to CHAS, 5, GINGRICH, Business Manager. Entered al Slate College Post Office as Second Class Hallo WITH the beginning of the present term the attention of our students will be turned to track athletics and baseball.. Now is the time for every man who is ambitious to excel in athletics to commence a careful and systematic course of training. There are a number of persons of athletic ability in our midst, All such should report to Physical Director Hoskins at once. A. term's work under our efficient trainer would enable many to win places on the athletic team, The prospects for a winning baseball team are propitious. A large number of candidates are trying for places , and we urge every person who plays baseball to compete. 14veryone stands an equal chance and the team will be made up of the best players. Last year's team made a very creditable showing, and this year, The Free Lance STAFF Editor: A. KUFIN, '96 C. W. HARDT, '97, Loc, J. W. WHITE, '9B, F. A. KAISER, '9B, Per. TrRMS : , $l.OO I Single Copies Payable in advance. JANUARY, 180(3 [JANUARY 5 cents,