The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, December 01, 1895, Image 2
The Free lance. Published Monthly during the College Year by the Students of The Pennsylvania State College. Vol. IX A PSALM OP COLLEGE. [What the heart of the student said to the professor.] Tell me not in painful numbers That a “ flunk " is what I made I ’Twill disturb my peaceful slumbers', And my pocketbook invade. Cash is rare and cash is tight; ' And for “ flunks ” —’tis not its use— Por ’tis wicked and not right, Thus to cause its sad abuse. Neither dollar nor "condition,” Can it teach me any more, Than to show that my position Might reflect upon your lore. Time is short—vacation’s nearing, With its pleasures and its sport; And the only thing I’m fearing Is your “ D ” on my report. SOME PHASES OF GERMAN STUDENT EIFE. Student life in Germany has not to-day the fascination of which it has boasted in years gone by. The happy-go-lucky university youth of song and story is to be rarely found at present, existing only in isolated places. With the growth in membership of the universities, with the increase of population in the cities in which they are situated and with the encroachment of progress, that destroyer of tradition, that reviler of the antique, many of the barriers surrounding the classic precincts of those time-honored walls have been levelled. Only two or three institutions, Goet tingen, Heidelberg and Halle, may pose as partial retainers of the DECEMBER, 1895. No. 6. -J. E. S., ’97.