The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, December 01, 1895, Image 19

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    Oct. 26th, State, 16-Bucknell, o.
Nov. 9th, State, 4-U. of P., 35.
Nov. 16th, State, 10-P. A. C., 11
Nov. 18th, State, 6-W. and J., 6.
Nov. 28th, State, 8-Adelbert, 8.
More care should be taken in the heating of our recitation
rooms. “She’s not too hot, but temperate as the morn,” cannot
be said of them very often. Again the opposite is true.
The usual Thanksgiving hop was given by the Seniors on Fri
day evening, November 26. The patronesses were: Mrs. G. W.
Atherton, Mrs. Hugh White, Mrs. H. H. Stock, Mrs. J. P. Jackson,
Mrs. Wm. Thompson, Mrs. Carrie Sides, Mrs. Geo. Butz, Mrs.
Wm. Sanderson, Mrs. J. B. Elliott, Mrs. D. E. Krebs, Mrs. F. E.
Shepherd, Mrs. C. G. Furst, Mrs. Gabriel Heister, Mrs. Wm.
Reeder, Mrs. J. Spangler, Mrs. Geo. Good and Miss Harriet A.
McElwain. Hop Committee —Clias. Ezra Scott (chairman), B. J.
Bowen, E. B, Carter, IE H. Jones, R. F. Kelker, Jr.
This Free Eance offers a prize of Ten Dollars to the student
who submits the best story of from 3,000 to 5,000 words before
January 10.
The Sophomores are sporting their new class canes
Mr. Thompson, of Centre Furnace, has made a good sized pond
near the spring from which ice will be cut and where the students
will be allowed to skate.
Manager Cromlish, of the base ball team, has been writing for
dates with the leading college teams, and by next term he hopes
to have a good schedule of games booked.
The Junior class officers for this year are: President, Auburn;
Vice President, Thompson J, ; Secretary, Harris; Treasurer,
The Free Eance extends to its readers the best wishes for a
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.
Duiing the last two months the Seniors, Juniors and Sopho
mores have been excused from drill by preparing military theses.
FOl lemainder of the fall term the privates have filled the
places of officers in the battalion.
On Saturday evening of the Thanksgiving vacation the niem
beis of the - A A fraternity held an informal reception at their
chapter house.
The Free Lance .