The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, December 01, 1895, Image 17
EEEC’S. Auburn . . Mason . . . . Shueller . . . Montgomery . Alexander , , McAllister . . Leisher . . Teas .... Conrad . . . Harris .... Thompson, W The chemists played the winner of the M'ech.-Elec. contest in a very well matched game on Friday, November 22nd. The crowd manifested great interest throughout the game. In the first half the ball was in the Mecli’s territory all the time. In the second half the play was throughout in the Chem’s. At one time the ball was dangerously near their goal line. Here the fierce rushes of Hill saved the day for the Chemists. When time was called the Chemists had the ball. Darragh played a good game for the Mech’s. The line-up was as follows: Mech’s. Position. Simmers left end Conrad Zentniyer . . McGee . . . Montgomery Tyson . . . . Darragh . , . Baumgardner Housman Miller . . . . McKinley . . NINETY-FIGHT, 36—NINETY-NINE, o. The annual football contest between the Sophomore and Fresh men classes to decide whether the Freshmen should carry canes, was played Saturday, December 7th. It was a beautiful day, considering the season, and the grounds were in very good condi tion. The Freshmen team contained some very good material but lacked team work. Randolph, Neubert and Dole played the game for them.' The Sophomores had the advantage of one year’s experience, but too much cannot be said in praise of their team work. Everybody from that marvelous little quarter back, to the The Free Lance. POSITION. . . . left end . . , . . left tackle . , . .left guard . . . . center . . . . right guard . . right tackle . . . right end . , . right half back . left half back quarter back . , . full back . . CHEM’S, o—MECH’S, o. left tackle . . left guard . . . Centre , . right guard right tackle . . right end . right half back left half back quarter back . full back , . [December, mech’s. . . . Hill . . Tyson . . . Allen . . McGee Zentmeyer . Darragh . Simmers . . Housman Baumgardner . . . Miller . . McKinley Chem’s, . . McCullough Norris .... Sheuler . . . Cromlish Teas . . McMichael . . . I-lardt . . . Alexander Hill Boyer Allen