To The Obelisk , is me good-bye. ’ ’ He peers in under the wide , the blue ribbons. If he could only see her eyes, is me before I go?” he pleads again, ly, very slowly the eyelids are raised, the blue i i and the red lips are turned up—the prettiest p: :r seen. ink you, good-bye.” was all. TO THE OBELISK. in to be erected on the campus.] '• “ What is your substance, whereof are you made That millions of strange shadows on you tend?” May the number increase and never fade, But the good cause of fellowship extend. Obelisk !—Where ever you may be placed, Bet thereon be written what e’er the fame, So it may never, by time, be effaced, The record of every son—or dame. Obelisk —Alma Mater —Alumni. Those words—dear to every beating heart, The last two —the first cemented by, In all external grace may have some part. Obelisk, may you, in your composite Stand for all that in man is requisite, And this Band Pdayisd On. As deftly I guided her twinkling feet Thro’ the midst of the mad, mazy whirl, I felt that she only could make life complete, And the band played, “ There’s only one girl.” Then leaving the ball room we strolled side by side On the lawn ’neatli the heaven’s bright arch; And I thought, ” If I can, I’ll make her my bride,” While the band played, “The Honeymoon March.” So I knelt at her feet and poured forth my tale, While I smothered with kisses her glove, And waited her answer all breathless and pale, While the band played, “ Love, dreaming of Love.” A moment she stood there, then raising her head, O Heaven, look down on my sorrow, — A sister I’ll be to you was all she said. And the band played, " His funeral’s to-morrow.”