CARPENTER & EVANS, Manufacturers of nml Retailers in —wCIGARS. ©1&55 a Specialty. 103 QUEEN ST,—LANCASTER, PA. Wanted To send 7 two'Cent stamps to help pay postage, packing, etc., and we will mail sample box of our , . , Ncm-NiDatiiiß Midget Cigars. Only one box to one address. Address: LANDIS & CO.. SIIIPPENSHURG, PA, J. E. WARD, D. D. S. Dental Rooms, fl. W. Cop. Allegheny and High Streets, BEIXBFONTB, PA. m mm Without doubt it lias proved itself to be the most useful hand-book in the language, for the engineering profession .-Engineering and Min ing Journal, August 25th, ISSB. JOHN WILEY & SONS, New York, F. & F. N. SPON, London. 12 photographs FOR 250 Send your Cabinet and get 12 Miniatures for 25 cents. Re turned with the Picture you send in one week, F. J. WALSH, 353 Perry_St., advertisements, EYEfIY SfflOPR TRENTON, N. J. EVERYTHING tMematical ai Optical. Catalogues on Application. Mr, R. A. McCren, at State College, is our agent Any orders transacted with him wilt have our best attention. CHL HO OF kimm. Condensed Time Table, HUAI) DOWN. May 13,1895. Lv, Ah. IIELLEP’NTE . . Nigh . , , . Zion . . Hecln Park , Dunklcs . Huiilkrs’g Snydertown . Nittnny. . . Huston . , . Lama k . Cliiitondnle Krid’rs S'n’g Mnckeyville Cedar Sprl’gs . Snlona . . Mill Hall IN M. t 9 37 10 05 io 45 P. M, A. M. t 9 12 9 40 10 12 . . MILL HALL Jersey Shore Jt , WILLIAMSPOU WILLIAMSPORT PHILA . . Lv. . N. York, via, Tnmq . • N, York, via, Phila. , (Foot of Liberty Street) . . , Atlantic City . . , Veek Day’s, l 6.00 p. 111, Sunday. 1 10.10 a, m. Sunday, iln and New York Sleeping Cars lieecli Creek tt, R, train pnssing ist-bouud nt 9,37 p, in.) west-bound Fuliiinn Parlor Cars on Day trains Uamsport mid Philadelphia. GIOI’IIABT, General Supt. Rhiladelph attached to Mill Hall, co at 8.13 a. ni. between Will J. W. gALESMEN WANTED TO SISLL N}on-N|icotine ©i