■ - PIANO FORTES, 50 Years Before the Public Upon their excellence nlone have attained UN purchased Pkij-jsminisncis, which estab lished them as unequalled in . Tone, Workmanship, Touch, Durability. WAEEROOMS 112 Fifth Avemto, New York, Nos. 22 and 24 Knst Bnltimore St,, Baltimore, Md, No. 817 Market Space, Washington, D. C. Heller & Brightly, SURVEYING INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS, Ridge Ave. and Spring Garden St., PHILADELPHIA, PA, Hklluh & Brightlky’s instruments are ex clusively used for purposes of instruction at Columbia College (School of Mines). Massachusetts College of Technology. Sheffield Sei School of Yale College /rfjaftts. Western University of Pernia. l*lsk University. Oregon State University. i %(g)sF r California State University. Dartmouth College. Maine State College. Tiih Pennsylvania State College ESTABLISHED 1851 EIMER & AMEND, 'ORTERB AND MANUF, Kills mi] Clio BOHEMIAN GLASSWARE, NICKELWARE, GERMAN GLAS GOODS, PLATINWARE, GERMAN PORCELAINS, BALANCES AND WEIGHTS, MICROSCOPES, COLLECTIONS, &o„ As. All Kinds o! Testing Appnraius, Reagents and Domes, sole flaenis lor 205, 207, 209 and 211 Third Aye., Cor. i< isriEi'W yoelis.. advertisements. AND UPRIGHT Experienced Management. IOTURERB iiiiis. Schaffer Importers a 1303 ARCH Successors to JOSEPH P. State siei Coll CENTRE S. S. GRIEB,