1895-] ’9l. C. M. Green (E. 15. ’93) has been promoted to the head of the Testing Department in the Brush Electric Company, of Cleveland, Ohio. He is, at present, at work on arc dynamos. ’92. F. J. Pond, who is at present taking a post-graduate course in chemistry, in Germany, will return home shortly. Frederick Dale is sojourning at his home. Ed. Butz visited college on election day. Miss Camp is teaching school in New Jersey. ’95. Ed. Harder has secured a position with the J. G. Brill Car Co., of Philadelphia. ’95. Dunham Barton has accepted a position as chemist in Pittsburg, Pa. ’93* '93- ’93- ’95- George Siebert is an instructor in the public schools, Milersburg, Pa. ’95. H. H. Geary’s address is Catawissa, Penn. Ex-’ 97. Bender and ex-’9B, Mentzer are students at Cornell University, Ex-’ 97. Thome sailed for South America on the 10th inst. to accept a position as computer in the National Astromonical Station of Argentine Republic. Ex-’9B. Chas. Rice is assistant superintendent of his father’s mill in Chambersburg. Babcock is employed as draughtsman by the Berlin Ex-’9B. Bridge Co. ’99. W. M. Spaulding is convalescent. Personals. Which Shat,:, it Be? I have four girls. The three are "pearls,” The fourth is not so charming. But I must choose, Or fortune lose, My prejudice disarming. Jane’s form is neat, Ruth's smiles are sweet, Maud’s cheeks are red as roses.