pomed the club: W. H. Teas, R. M. McKinley, R. 1- Menner, J. E. McCullough. Thos. Baumgardner, C. W. Mardt, Its the October number of “ Tlie University Magazine' Prof. M. C. IMseitg lias pictured the life of the State College student frv?£tt toe time be enters college until he graduates, the title of the article being "" Where Shall I Send My Boy to College ? ” The reading matter is interspersed with numerous illustrations. A structure is about to be erected on the campus near the intersection of the tunnel-path and the driveway to The Inn. An obelisk. tire feel square at the base, twenty-six feet high, will bcalc oc the sample structural materials of this State laid in courses according to the geologic order of the systems from which toe specimens are derived. A block of the famous Cornwall tmagnedire wiE top the column, which will rest 011-numerous igne ous and voflcaric Weeks. Nearly one-quarter of the entire number oc representatives, have arrived and other contributions are enroute. Tbe srader.rs who hare interested themselves in the procural of specimens will hare occasion to be proud of their assistance in establishing a permanent, attractive feature 011 our lovely campus. Professor Ihliseng would be glad to receive further student-aid in Ends direction.. Tescriptire pamphlets are to be prepared for general discricctricru as soon .as the polvlith is completed, The ranting Seniors are reveling in water and ore in the Me chanic Arts, building.. where they have finished the construction of a set: cc jiigs designed by them. Tons of various ores have been gathered for their use. A cecppiete line of mining safety lamps has been supplemented by she purchase. for the School of Mines, ot'a fire-damp detector by wcocnt the presence o: this deadly gas, even in very small quanti ties., may be revealed. We hear that Mr. 'l'. C. Hopkins, who '■trail he remembered by many as an efficient teacher and a eow soesacras werkar., may return to the Uepailiuent of (1 oology as assisemt peedessor in geology. For the past two years he Iras fossa ccrmecred with the Indiana State (loologioal Survey and the Hhrihcershy on Chicago. ",7:.. Stass-W.. Bamvw’s, lumbev metvhant, Oamowm, Pa,, was erne oc the many enifousiiasttae members of the alumni who witnessed db± .tsiuxre vs. TtirkneTi g-june and who expressed their great satis- The Free Lance , PERSON A I,S, [November,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers