1895-] Several parties were lielcl in town on Hallow E’en and those who attended report a good time. The Adelphi Club dance given at University Inn, November i, was a most enjoyable occasion. About twenty-five couples were present, the music being furnished by Chappell’s orchestra. Late in the evening of October 16 fire was discovered in one of the large barns to the west of the college. After working several hours the fire was put out, but the hay, with which the barn was filled, was considerably damaged by fire and water. The origin was that of spontaneous combustion. The Senior Electricals and Mechanicals left the college October 15 for a week’s tour of inspection among the various manu factories in atid near Pittsburg. They were in charge of Prof. Reber, Dean of the School of Engineering, and Prof. Lardner. They visited the Pittsburg Industrial Exposition, inspected Car negie Steel Works, at Homestead and Braddock, also those of Edgar Thompson; the Westinhouse Electrical and Machine Co.; the Telephone Exchange, and Western Union main office, together with various power plants and other works of interest in the city. It will be of interest to those at the college and of the Alumni to learn that the Senior Class has adopted the cap and gown. This is the first class since ’93 that has decided to appear in this dress, which is a distinction of the Senior Class in a large number of colleges and universities throughout the country. The Glee Club is practicing three times a week, and although the permanent members have not yet been chosen the prospects for a good club were never better. The club is under the leader shig of Prof. E. J. Colcord. Bucknell had a grand torchlight procession and general celebra tion the night before the game with State. That was a good time to have it, as it would have been decidedly out of place after the game. Quite a number of football players who received their training here have made records on the gridiron this fall. The officers of the Adelphi Club are: President, Prof. H. A. Lardner; secretary, W. W. Greenland; treasurer, B. F. Fisher. Executive Committee, Prof. J. M. Wolfe, Prof. T. R. Beyer, R. F. Kelker, C. E. Scott; ex-officio, Prof. H. A. Lardner, B. F. Fisher and W. W. Greenland, The following Juniors have Locals.