Poetry. Always Apropos. Said he, “May I speak a word with you?” Said she, “ I’m at your disposal Whether or not ’tis apropos,” Said he, “ ’Tis apropos-al.” The Ruling Passion. Well Eve,” said Adam, “ since Eden we must leave There’s no use to linger or wait.” I’ll be ready in minute, Adam,” said Eve, 11 Just tell me, is my hat on straight ? ” — Ex. College love Shady tree, Quiet nook, Pretty maiden Reading book, Freshman passes, Big moustache, Pretty maiden Makes a mash. Maiden smiling, Looking sweet, Gallant student Takes a seat. Freshman passes, Big moustache, Keeps on passing, Ne’er a mash,— Ex. The Sommer man, A pretty girl, A College man, A Summer eve, — You understand. A sad farewell, The Summer past, He to his books, .She home at last. Same pretty girl His photo near; A perfumed note, A tiny tear. Same College man, Same perfumed note, Lessons easy, His delight, Sees the maiden Every night. College over, Senior goes, Maiden’s heart Full of woes. Shady tree, Quiet nook, College widow Reading book,