The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, May 01, 1895, Image 8

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family was in Europe, Archie had decided that he might as well
remain in town till the term opened.
It was on his way back to the college in September that the
realization came. When they stopped at a junction, some distance
down the line, Fred was very much pleased to see Bessie Harland,
one of the girls from the college, come sailing down the aisle and
appropriate the seat in front of him, with most effusive greetings.
Of course he was instantly in conversation with her and for a long
while they talked of the places they had visited during their vaca
tion, of the good times they had had,' and what they expected to
do during the coming term.
Fred was just on the point of asking some questions about their
friends at the college, when Bessie suddenly ejaculated: " Oh, I’d
almost forgotten to tell you about Carrie Warrington; you know
Archie Custer was going with her a good deal toward the end of
last term?”
Fred immediately became very much interested and replied that
he believed that had been the case.
"Well,” she babbled, ‘‘that fellow stayed at the college all
summer, and for no other reason than to be near Carrie. He was
with her all the time, day and night, and everybody says they are
engaged, or will be pretty soon. I believe it myself, for you can
hardly expect anything else when they play tennis and go boating
all day, and sit and talk on the veranda all evening. ’ ’
Then the fair dispenser of information looked out of the car
window and waited for the comments this rare bit of gossip would
bring forth.
“ Well?” she said inquiringly, after several seconds had passed
without any sound from him. Then, receiving no answer, she
turned and looked Fred full in the face. That young gentleman
did not see her; for his eyes were far away across the valley,
mechanically watching the sombre hemlocks on the opposite
mountain side.
‘‘ I must say, Mr. Stockton, that is a nice way to treat a person
after telling you such an important bit of news about your ac
‘‘Oh ! Er —beg your pardon. I —I —that is—l was thinking I”
“ And pray what were you thinking about ? ”
“Why—Oh yes, I was just wondering what sort of football
material the new Freshman class contained,” said Fred with the
A Football Hero .