REACH'S BASE BALL * « t ; 1 j . «^=M3eaeh Is the best T#t Read Special need hy till League Catchers, .... Other grades down to 25c each .... We also make the famous Irwin line of Catchers’ Mitts and Glovps. Catalogue free oh teat tail. A, J. REACHt CO. PHILADELPHIA, IPA.. > < 3. :|::|>BH6»d"tr4--»< 3 ADVERTISEMENTS, «.eA(ty eV icaiiAssoc/ a^ l DOUBLE STITCH | V ''BYTHEAf As c ' 'ON THE American Association Ball^» made, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. 'fillip and Palmer Sts. Made in either BwMiii or CalMii th PATENT lacing ... and,... ..DEEP POCKET... Price $7.50
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