The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, April 01, 1895, Image 13

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    student who gives his aid to the bureau, we have
every reason to believe, will probably be favored
by it at an early date.
By an impression by sonomatic telcphauphctic
incans we have gleaned the following from a day
lime 195 7> the last living graduate
of the State College of Pennsylvania, 1597,
is about to cross the river to that Greater Uni
versity, he looks back upon his first year at Col
lege. AVhat is the change?
It is not now called the State College of Penn
sylvania but the Great State University of Penn
sylvania. He sees no longer the chasm between
faculty and student body but where the chasm
once was, a nice brick court-room has been built
wherein justice is dealt out by faculty and stud
ents, hand in hand, all for the best.
Me secs here now not the mete technical school
for which only few men are fitted, but a broad,
liberal institution where every individual of the
State may receive his or her intellectual training.
An institution where the street gamin of our larg
est cities may be disciplined and fitted for any oc
cupation in life; where any scholar may receive
any amount of training in any amount of things
and receive a certificate of that amount of train
ing in that amount of studies; where the gray
haired philosopher may come and stay and dig
treasures for sciences; and where the foreign imi
grant may be civilized and made a true American
qualified to exercise that great sacred right, as a
true, loyal citizen.
A great change indeed, and who wotdd not be
willing to cross the river to a Greater University.
The trustee of Dartmouth College have form
ally accepted the designs of a New York architect
for buildings to be erected on the proposed quad
rangle plan on the campus, Within three years
the quadrangle will be complete with over jflr,ooo,-
000 worth of buildings and will be the finest of its
kind in the country.
It Is our sad duty to announce, In tills Issuo, tlio smldon
dumlso from amidst the laboratory vapors of a busy, fruit,
fill anil Interesting career, of iho abovo well known gentle,
man. Ho was 0110 of tlio main supports of tills growing In.
stltullon and should liavo boon hotter fostoroil.
lint wliorons tlio all wise and self providing Providence
saw lit to out him down tliusj In the prime of life, Justus
lie was about to accomplish Ills end aftor provlous hard
labor and groat oxponso. Wo can only sigh anil quote,
‘ tlio good are often called first.
Now is the time to subscribe,
State College now supports two .barber shops,
Pay up your base ball and general athletic
The ’96 La Vic will appear about the middle of
The Beta Theta Pi Fraternity has moved into
their beautiful new chapter house on the campus.
An enthusiastic aluminus has .sent in his check
for a subscription to the Free Lance for ten
years in advance.
r l'he students were exceedingly sorry to hear of
the death of the father of Jas. A. Dunsmore,
which occurred during vacation.
A typical “wandering Willie,” something un
usual here, made his appearance within the “city”
limits one day last week. He told his little tale
of woe to some of the students, who promptly
took him in, gave him a bath, supper, a suit of
clothes and sent: him on his way rejoicing