“Globe Printing House.” Edward Stem & Co., Ine. Jijinlfra, finders and puMislpiips, ' frintcrs of '95 fa sie. , in & Ix 4 North Twelfth St. Xu Oils Veek« ORALCR ON n o o o 0,00 010 o o general Hardware, stoves. Tinware Wood m UJilloui-uiare, glaaa, palnti, Oils Sc. STATU ©OULIG£»>A. TO URN A MKXT CVPS CLASS CASKS. •• • • KINK SOVVKNIK WORK. Rnterprlaea Promoted. WHITE-CROSBY COMPANY, CONTRACTING ENGINEERS, Equitable Building, Baltimore, Md. New York Office, 20 Broadway. Complete Electric Railways, Lighting Plants and General Contracting. ADVERTISEMENTS n o o o <» u o Factories Located at Providenoe, B. I. & CO.,^—_ Designers and Estimators of Society and Schools Pins. HHGRH.VBRS FOR COIibBGB ARftUAbS. DREKA fine Stationery and Engraving House, tint Chentnut Street, Philadelphia. College Invitations Wedding Invitations Class Stationery Visiting Cards Fraternity Stationery Banquet Menus Programs, Diplomas, Pins and Badges Steel Plate Work for Fraternities, Classes and College Annuals. Designs, Samples and prices sent on application. William Mann Company, Blank Book-Makers and Sta- TIONERS,' j Ltthographm and P-’pkteFS, j 539 Market St. jgCHJIFFEPJ & jgONS, j§mporttra anil laitots, SUCCESSORS TO JOSEPH P. KEELER PHILADELPHIA. Deeignera of the ANnowm EXETER PINS 303 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA