RBETT ZS BOXING GLOVES.” . The/ircet that all Boxing Glove Manufacturers a aro imitating our styles Isjm’oo/positive tlmt we are 0 , the leaders, X We make all styles and prices of Boxing Gloves 0 no ail stylos _ - from $1 oo to $7. Bo per set. T The Champion Jan. .f. Corbett says "our gloves a are the best.” He should hnow, as he used them in all 0 Ills fights and exhibit tons. $ .©oo©ooc>oooQoooooQoooog~gooooooooc 0000000000 8 8 JL_ acti “RygDy” and flssoeiatlon Foot Balls, Tlie "Very Best Manufactured their Shape Setter than the Mepted! 3 !*** :r-collegiate ball. • • Send For Illuntrated Catatof/ue. • • • • J. 3FL3ESAOX3C 00. Tulip and Palmer St. ILADELPHIA, IE 3 A.. T »• < > »k-a* $:!?*-► < —3^-+ ADVERTISEMENTS. .... Manufactured by . . . -A.. J\ REACH GO.