+ Pennsylvania State CoHese,. in one of the most beautiful and healthful spots, in the Allegheny Undenominational ; Open to both sexes; Tuition Free; Board and other expenses very low. , LEADING DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY. - Agriculture and Agricultural Chemistry , : - with constant' illustrations on the Farm and in the Laboratory. , - Rotany and Horticulture : theoretical and praCtical. - Stu dents taught original study with the microscope. _ ' Chemistry: with an unusually full, and thorough - ,course in the Laboratory. - Civil Engineering: - These courses are ac- Electrical Engineering: . Mechanical Engineering ' compamed with - very ex-_ tensive practical. exercise in the , Field, the Shop and the Laboratory.' - , _ History: Ancient and Modern, with original investigation. Ladies' Course in Literature and Science,:. Two years. Ample facilities for Music, vocal and instrumental. Language and Literature : Latin (optional), TreOcli German and English (required),one or more continued `, through the entire course. Mathematics and Astronomy pure and applied. - , Mechanic Arts combining shop-work with study, three years' course; NEW , BUILDING and equipment. - Mental, Moral and Political Science , Ethics,' COnStitu tional Law and History, EconOnly,,,&C; Military Science instruction, theoretical and practical, including each arm of the service. • - - Preparatory Department Two : years—carefully graded - and thorough, , COMMENCEMENT, June xo-x3, =894• SESSION opened Sept. 121 9 1894 ; WINTER SESSION,, Jan. a SPRING SESSION, April 7, 1895. - • t Catalogue or other information, address GEO. W. ATHERTON, LL. D., President. STATE COLLEGE; CENTRE C Watchman Printing House, _Bellefonte, Pa