The following named universities publish daily papers: Cornell, Brown, Harvard, Leland Stan ford, Princeton, and the Universities of Michi gan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Lehigh's eleven is the strongest that has ever played under the brown and white colors.—Ex. But nevertheless State College is the Rubicon they dare not cross Instead of the usual rush between the Sophs and Freshmen at Cornell, their physical su premacy will be decided by a series of athletic contests arranged by the Students' Committee on Discipline. That is an excellent plan. It has been used here and all rushes except that over the Fresh men flag have been abolished. It has work to the satisfaction of a concerned. The'subjects presented to the Agora by the College Debating union are : Resolved, That the government, should insure steady employment to every able-bodied citizen ; and Resolved, The owing to the corruption pre vailing in preseUt political methods . the Initiative and Referendum modeled after the Swiss plan are necessary to a pure expression of the people's will. One of the questions will probably be debated at the next meeting.' EXCHANGES. The owl took his hat and gloves onenight, His sweetheart for to see, When his daddy asked him where ho went "On a definite object Pm intent, To wit, to woo." said he; "To wit, to wit, to woo I" But he scarce had stepped outside the door When he could not fall to see That the sky with clouds was all o'ercast, "To wet, to woo," said he ; "To wet, to wet, to woo." If Mary's snowy little lamb . Back to the earth would hie, The jokes he'd see about himself Would make him glad to die. THE FREE LANCE. Out of 128 students who took the examination for entrance into Indiana University this year, only twenty-two passed. It will be necessary for the preparatory schools of Indiana to increase fa cilities in order to meet the entrance require ments of the State University.—Ex. They must be harder to please than we are here. —Harvard Lampoon. "Shall I brain him ?" cried the hazer, And the victim's courage lied, "You can't : it is a Freshmen, Just hit it on the head." A pretty young amateur housekeeper she, And she said to the butcher as bold as could be : "Two canvas back ducks and a quart of green peas, And you'll take off the canvas, good, sly If you please." —Ex. We paused to watch the quiver Of faint moonbeams on the river, By the gate. We had heard something calling And a heavy dew is falling, Yet we wait. It is no doubt very silly To stay out in all this chilly Evening mist. Still I linger hesitating For her lips are plainly waiting To be kissed. So I stooped to take possession Of the coveted concession On the spot. But she draws back with discreetness, Saying with tormenting sweetness, "I guess not." llor whole manner is provoking ; "Oh, well, I was onlyjoking," I reply, She looks penitently pretty, As she answers : "What a pity ! So was I." —Harvard Lampoon. They used to sing some time ago A rather plaintive song, "Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long." But nowadays the song is set With music to the rhyme ; "Man wants as much as he can got And wants it all the time. —Univereity Courier. —Record.