The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, October 01, 1894, Image 6
same, i. e., besides a record of the chief happen ings of the year, a list of the various college or ganizations, class rolls and histories sandwiched with college poetry and jokes. We can, however, recall one college that makes its annual a medium through which to vent its spite upon a neighbor ing institution. It is hardly necessary to say that slighting re marks about a neighboring or any other institu tion are wholly out of place, and shows an entire lack of good taste on the part of the composers of the 'volume. The mere mention of another col lege in any other than courteous terms would hardly be pardonable, but that any institution should devote an entire page to the ridiculing of a neighboring and superior one, is almost incon ceivable, Such ridicule, resulting from and being ;he outgrowth of a petty jealousy condemns it and the institution to - be treated with the utmost con tempt. Bucknell's annual would be an acceptable volume but for this breach of inter-collegiate courtesy. HELLO ! Old Man! How do you do? When did you come in ?" With such greetings as these and with many hearty handshakes, the returned student greets his college friends and class-mates. It might almost be said that the chief events of a student's vacation are his departure for home at the close of one year and return at the beginning of the next. To him vacation has its pleasures, but there is something home-like and attractive about the old college and its surroundings. There is a feeling existing among the students for each other and their institution that is to be found nowhere else, and is only realized by the students themselves after graduation. A close ness of acquaintance and companionship experi enced only during college life ; a satisfacton de rived from existence as undergone only through the duration of a college career ; a something that excites a feeling of loyalty in the tt.44nt t for his - college and a pride in her growth‘ THE FREE LANCE. Our college begins the thirty sixth year cf its existence with the brightest of prospects. The present Seniors will graduate ten more than any previous class while the Freshman shows a large increase over that of former years. The interme diate classes are larger than ever before while a. general feeling of good fellowship prevails, Nothing could be more gratifying to those con nected with the government of the institution than this promise of a glorious future ; nothing more stimulating to students than the prophecy of a noted Alma Mater. NVith the continuation of such a state of affairs, the future or our institution' could indeed be painted in glowing colors. ARE State's prospects in foot-ball as good as they were last year ? At present we can not answer this question in the affirmative owing to the lack of games upon which to base our judgment. Our team, however, is playing a hard, fast game this year and there is no reason to suppose we will be lacking . when it comes to meeting the 'teams of other colleges. The manifest interest and support of the entire student body is most encouraging and should be shown throughout the entire season. The larger attendance this year means a larger number of men from which to pick players to fill the posi tions left open on the team. With the under graduate rule in force, there is every inducement offered to the men who are trying for these posi tions. A visit to the athletic grounds reveals the fact that our, first team is not handicapped for want of a strong second team in practice games. This is perhaps the most important factor in the building up of foot-ball teams. Many who. have done good work on the second eleven are• rewarded by positions on the first, and that too as soon as they show themselves proficient. It is said that Yale's reported victories over Harvard were due largely to her stronger college spirit. If college spirit does so much for the suc-