The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, October 01, 1894, Image 16

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    .—The University Inn has had a change in
management, A. L. Westcott, the former proprie
tor, having been succeeded by Mrs. G. L. Clark,
of Pittsburg.
—The Freshmen rushed prepdom Friday night,
the 28th of September, the fracas taking place on
the entrance steps to the preparatory department.
After twenty minutes of fighting, but before vic
tory had perched on the banner of either side,
the troops appeared on the scene and hostilities
were discontinued.
—On the afternoon of Wednesday the loth of
October, the battalion went to Bellefonte, in or
der to take part in the funeral procession of Ex-
Gov. Curtin. Two thousand men were in line,
including many different military organizations.
State had the honor of bringing up the rear, and
the cadets' marching was the equal, if not
superior—to any along the whole line.
On August 17th a dance was given at Ridley
Park, Pa., by the college men of Delaware and
Chester counties. Its success was due mainly to
the efforts of A. D. McDade '93, U. of Pa. and J.
F. Shields '92, and A. F. Damon '94, of Penna.
State. P. S. C. was represented by G. S. Demming
'9O, F. N. Weidner '9l, J. F. Shields '92, A. F.
Damon '94,
Kremer '94, R. F. Kelker Jr.
'96 and L. L. Johnson, Ex-'96. During the inter
mission the State boys gave their college yell
with a vigor that quite surprised the other col
legians present.
—The latest addition to the Engineering build
gin is the new triple expansion Corliss engine, built
by A. P. Allis & Co., of Milwaukee, Wis. This
is the third engine of this type built by the com
pany, the other two being at Cornell University
and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
It is capable of three hundred horse power but
will usually be run at only one hundred and
seventy•five. W. H. Tucker of the Allis com
pany is superintending the erection which will be
completed some time in November.
—ln the several departments we notice the fol
lowing new appointments :
J. H. Tudor, C. E., M. S., instructor in
Mathematics ; Hervey E. Dunkle, B. S., instruc
tor in Mechanical Drawing; John A. Hunter Jr.,
13. S., instructor in Mechanical Engineering ;
Henry Lardner, B. S., instructor in Electrical
Engineering; Paul B. Breneman, B. S., assistant
in Civil Engineering; William H..Rebhun, B. S.,
assistant in Chemical Laboratory ; Louis W. Mat
tern, B. S., assistant ;n English; William 0.
Farnsworth, assistant in French and German ;
George Tucker Sellew, A. M., instructor in the
Preparatory Department, English and Latin; Jo-
seph M. Wolf, M. A., instructor in the Prepara
tory Department, Mathematics.
—The following football schedule has been ar
ranged by Manager Spence :
Sept. 29. Washington and Jefferson at State
Oct. To. Gettysburg at State College.—o-6o
Oct. 20. Lafayette at State College.
Oct. 26. Washington and Jefferson at Wash-
ington, Pa
Nov. 2. Georgetown Athletic club at Wash-
ington, D. C.
Nov. 3. Richmond, at Richmond Va.
Nov. 5. University of Virginia, at Charlotts
ville, Va.
Nov. 17. Franklin and Marshall at Lancaster
Nov. 29. Pittsburg . Athletic club at Pittsburg
This would appear to be an excellent schedule
did we not know that several of the dates have
been cancelled already by the opposing team. It
is strange that, while State goes around seeking
whom she may devour and willing to play any
worthy opponent who will keep a date with her,
very few of the colleges care to do so. Such is
the penalty of greatness, but we can afford to rest
a little while upon our laurels, acknowledging, as
we do so, only four superiors on the football
field, the four great universities.