The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, June 01, 1894, Image 20
TRAUTWINE'S ROCKET-BOOK. Without doubt it has proved itself to be the most useful band book in the language, for the engineering profession.—Engineering and Mining Journal, August 25th, 1888. JOHN WILY it BONS, I F. «F N. BPON, NEW YORK. LONDON. T"-f- E. S. GREELY & CO. GENERAL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. s and 7 DEW NEW YORK. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT INSTRU. MENTS and BATTERIES of the very Highest Grade. - N., Precision and Constancy, Qual ity and Finish, the Rest In _ • the World. Catalogue. of Standard-Test I Instruments furnished " upon application. Illus trated circular of Lamps e and Novelties upon sp plication. r -MINIATURE INCANDESCENT LAMP No. 2 Planer , and.Natoher. Planes 24 in. wide, 6 in. thick; matches 12 in. wide; specially designed for custom work in small plan inn carpenter shops, technical schools. col. f lnit i l e g . „_e b e ee it low si siding moldings machine. J. A. ei9a EGO CO. 165-185 W. Front Bt., Cincinnati, Ohio, U. 8. A. To WYCZOTP, SEAMANS & BENEDICT : REMINGTON STANDARD TYPEWRITER After using the Remington typewriters in the Vermont • Methodist Seminary for more than a year I am glad to bear testimony to the excellent results attained. Our instruments are kept in the academic; ,and pupils who desire are assigned hours for practice. Quite a num ber have availed themselves of the opportunity. I have noticed, first, a care for correct spelling and punctuation which we had not been able to secure otherwise. I have seen an unusual attention to the structure of sentences. The rhetoric of composition seems to stand out more clearly before the pupil on a printed than on a written page; and as the manipulation of the machine soon be. comes mechanical, the writer devotes much attention, even in copying articles, to the structure and finish of the sentences. I fully believe that the typewriter put in the hands of all our pupils would prove a valuable aid to their education Send for Catalogue. WYCIOFF. SEAMANS & BENEDICT, Remington Standard Typewriter, ONE OF OUR SPECIALTIES—: is the out•Btting of Colleges, Technical Schools, Religious Insti• tutious, Trade De- partments, Etc. • No. 2 Universal Wood-Worker. With Upright Mandrel. Main Head, 10;41n. wide Planes and edges at one operation. • • The Largest Line Will make glue joints ; plane out or wind,;,cham• • ter; cross gain, groove, out straight, circular In the U. S. or wave moldings, tongue and groove, plane taper, rip and cross-out sawing, boring, routing, etc. Select From. 81111 d for Maslow, Information, Ito. WOOD WORKING MACHINERY Originators, Introducers and Constructors of OF Eli POST DRUM sit PINEISIVI TIPS E. A. 'BISHOP, Principal. 834 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA.