SUITS and OVERCOATS made to order NECKWEAR in abundance. The fittest lino of Woolens always on hand—all through the year. Children's Clothing. Storm Coats a Speclaity mont g orner ti ; @ o.,fetifers, J. A. AIKENS HM- Pianos, O1:q(ns. pictures. jewelry. Ladies' Coals. B. C. Achenbach, BAKER& GQNFIVATIONER A6lO Ice-Cream and. Fruit Ices put up in all • Styles., OYSTERS. —I Bishop Street, Bellefonte $-- Telephone 644. Branch at State College. (N. 0 -60.00-, WANTED. OR STUDENT.° iiAS PERMANENT OFFICE ASST._ Either Gentlemap or Lady. No Prefereni qualifications being equal. Salary Vim end Railway fare paid to Office it engagedi _ Enclose reference and self-addressed, 0 stamped envelope to HENRY JONES, See. CHICAGO, ILL. C,00 00 0 00 0 0 e0 2 00 0 0000000:000000 ADVERTISEMENTS. -*BELLEFONTE, 4 PAM,- 0 Music Store• No. 81 Allegheoy St., Bellefonte Pa. A large and varied assortment of HATS, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GO .G,L.ES giOr S BROCKERHOFF HOUSE BLOCK, BELLEFONTE, PA. Lathes' and Gents' Fine Shoos a Spe head-Quarters for the * * Celebrated Rochester Lamp. .I°‘‘GlLLorik, Zfeel Wenz - . GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. ma Okbiata/ alrumbere, 303-404-170-604-332, and Ma other styles may be had or all dealers throughout the world. Joseph Gillott & Bons, New York. W. H. WILKI CHINA HAL BELLEFONTE