The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, June 01, 1894, Image 14
--The ninth annual meeting of the State Inter collegiate Athletic Association was held on Beaver Field on the afternoon of May 19, which resulted in a victory for Swarthmore. The day was unfit for athletics of any kind,the mud was such as to render running or jumping almost impossible and large pools of water covered the field. Contestants were present from Swarthmore, Western University of Pa., Lehigh and State. In spite of the bad condition of the grounds several records were broken. Palmer of Swarthmore ran the 100yds. dash in 10 1.5. Rushmore the 120 yds. hurdle race in 17 1.5. Sims rode the 2 mile bicycle race in the markably khort time of 5 minutes 31 2.5 sec onds. While Greenland of State was a close second --The Junior reception to the Senior class took place Wednesday evening in the armory . with music by Stopper & Fisk's orchestra. —The exercises of commencement week were opened on Sunday by the baccalaureate sermon which was preached by the Rev. George T. Purves, of Princeton Theological Seminary. The Interclass contest took place on Mon day afternoon and was won by '96. In the evening the Junior Oratorical con test was attended by a full house. The judges decided in favor of M. J. Keefer. The program was as follows : JUNIOR. OIUTOIUCAL CONTEST. 1. 1111181 c. 2. Oration, Can Our Republic Endure? CHARLES WATSON BURKETT, Remington, 8, Oration, The Place of the Technical School in Educational System ; ROBERT MATHIAS, Chollimt. 4. Music. 5. Oration,. .......... Church and State DAVID LESLIE PATTERSON, JR., ANiegheny. • O. Oration,. • ..Popular Education in Citizenship: 10 LVIN JESSE KEEPER, Sunbury. 7. 'Music. S. Debate, Resolved ; That Independence in Polities is Better than Party Adherence : Affirmative, BUDD GRAY, Tyrone. Negative, WILLIAM M. WHITTBM, Noblnto= 9. Music. le. Announcement of Judges' Decision THE FREE LANCE. TUESDAY JUNE 1% 8 30 a. m.—Annual Meeting of the Altinani Assoelation. 9 45 a. m.—Artillery Salute. 10 a n.—Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees. 12 m. Alumni Dinner. 2 p. M. Meeting of Delegates and Alumni to elect Trustees. 3 p. m. Exhibition Drill of State College Cadets. 8 p. tn. Annual Address before the Alumni by the Hon. Marriott Brosius, Lancaster, Pa,. Representative in Congress. 9.11 p. Reception in Armory by the Faculty. I. Music. 2. Invocation. 8. Oration, The Mission of the American Scholar WALTER BLAIR WAIT& 4. Music. 5. Oration, 6. Oration, 7. Music, 8. Valedictory Oration, 9. Music. 10. Commencement Address,WlLLwat PEPPOR, M.P., LL. D. Provost of the University of Pinnstguania IL Conferring Degrees and Awarding Prizes. 12. Music. CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES. B. S., In the General Science Cburae ;—MISS DUSTER, MESSRS • KREMER AND MUSSER. B. S., In the Latin Scientific Course :—Mn. THOMPSON. B. S., In the Course of Chemistry :—MESSRS. MATTERS, L. W KEIUIUN AND SILLIMAN. B. S., In the (borne in Civil Engineering:—MESSßS. BOWMAN, BRENEMAN, BREWER AID DAMON. B. In the Course in Electrical Engineering:—MESSßS. GUYER+ BENCH AND KIRK. B. S., In the (borne in Mechanical Engineering :—MXBI3III3 BANKS, BARNDOLLAR, BELT, DIOKISON, M ATTERN, F. K., QUIGLEY, WAITE AND WHITE. B. S., In the Course in Mining Engineering DOWLER. Special Certificate in Electrical Engineering :—MN. REED. First Honors. John Maitland Mclver, Arthur George Gayer, John Beaver White. SUBJECTS or GRADUATION THESES, "The Advantages of a System of Compressed Air Distribu Mon in City anti Country."—William Banks, Indiana. "The Transportation and Stowage of Fuel."—Fred Barn. dollar, Everett. •'Forced Combustion."--A. D. Belt, Wellsville. "Plan for Abolishing a Grade Crossing at Krumrino."— Roger Bowman, (with Damon), Philadelphia. "Proposed Sewerage for the Village of State College."— P. B. Breneman, (with Brewer), Saxton. Proposed Sewerage System for the Village of State Col• loge."—J. M. Brewer, (with Breneman), Philadelphia. "Plan for Abolishing a Grade Crossing at Krumrine."— A. F. Damon, (with Bowman), Darby. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 10:00 A. M. COMMENCEMENT. Macrocosm and Microcostn i ARTHUR GROROM GUYER. Silent Forces: =!EMICM ..BOYD ANSPACH M 17613111 HONORS Second Honors. John Benton Bench, Frank K. Mattern, Waiter B. Waite.