—May 29th Col. French gave an interesting and instructive lecture, with stereoptioan views of Alaska, in the chapel, for the benefit of the new Y. M. C. A. building. The lecture was given by Mr. French without any expense to the Association. —Robert Mathias, J. L. Harris and B. .T. Bowen have been elected by the Y. M. C. A. as delegates to the World's Student Conference at Northfield, Mass., which takes place the first week in July. Besides these men quite a num ber are expecting to go who will pay their own expenses. --The students of the technical courses nro remaining for the two weeks summer school. They work 81 hours daily and have practicums, according to their several courses, of surveying, forging, pattern making, molding iron, chip. ping and filling, machine work, machine design, and inspection of mines. —A good foot ball schedule has been arrang• ed for next Fall ; about halt' of the games are to be played on our grounds. The manager is to be congratulated upon the good selection of teams and also upon having so many on our grounds as we are often compelled to play greater number of games upon opponent's grounds. • —At an athletic meeting it was decided to start a training table for the foot ball team at the beginning of the Fall term. In order to raise money the students were asked to give that which was left of their damage deposit, which proposition was assented to by the majority. This means a small amount from each student but it will be a greathelp to the team. —The Saturday night newspaper club has adopted a constitution and elected the follow ing officers for the ensuing year : • President, . . . Prof. Sparks. Ist Vice " . . . Prof. Garver. 2nd" " . . . Prof. Foss. 3d " ". . . Prof. Ihlseng. Secretary and Treasurer, Dr. Runkle. THE FREE LANCE. —A large number of State College•people at tended the opera, "Paul Jones," given at Belle fonte, June let, by the Bellefonte Opera Com pany. All who attended spoke in glowing terms of the opera. The chorus girls wore our College colors, blue and white. —The Adelphi club have elected the follow ing officers : President, Prof. H. J. Waters ; Secretary, H. G. Fleck ; Treasurer, J. E. Sny der ; Executive Committee, Prof. H. J. Waters ; H. G. Fleck, J. E. Snyder, J. M. Wolfe, T. R. Beyer, R. B. Greer, D. L. Patterson. The fol. lowing Juniors were elected members : A. C. Hoy, R. F. Kelker Jr., W. W. Greenland, W. C. Smith, B. F. Fisher Jr., and O. M. McKee. —The Young Men's Christian Association is to have a building of their own upon the college campus in the very near future. The movement came to a climax May 26th, when a mass meeting was held in the chapel for the purpose of placing the matter before the students. Addresses were made by President Atherton, Rev. Wood!e, of Altoona and Gilbert A.. Beaver. Before the close of the meeting the students met together by classes to talk the matter over and to see if any were willing to s:art the sub scription list. In ten minutes it, was announced that $3,885 had been raised among the students present. Since then the amount has steadily in creased until now between six and 'seven thou sand dollars has been subscribed. • At a meeting of the Trustees of the College a site west of the armory was granted to the asso ciation. Committees have been appointed to solicit subscriptions during vacation. Gen. James A. Beaver, of Bellefonte, having been chosen treasurer. The motto of the young men is "Aim High." Their aim is $lOO,OOO, and no subscription is to be binding until $25,000 has been reached. We feel sure that the building will be a suc cess and hope that it will be deemed a privilege for anyone to help in any way such a noble enterprise.