SUITS and OVERCOATS made to order ;y, NECKWEAR in abundance. The finest line of Woolens always on hand—all through the year. Childrents Clothing. Storm Coats a Specialty t, ~ 00., fetifors, J. A. AIKENS Flitmom9i Pianos, °mans. Pictures. jewelry. Ladies' ' Coals. ----- Bellefonte Pa. B. C. Achenbach, BAKEEts O,QHFIQTOQUER AND Ice-Cream and Fruit Ices Dot gin all Styles. OYSTERS. Bishop Street, Bellefonte t Telepbon. 044. Branch at State College., v) iIifiNTED• TEACHER s • OR STUDENT.° ' /I' AS PERMANENT OFFICE ASS'T. ' 8} Either Gentleman or Lady. No Preforenc ioqualifications being equal. Salary irmand§ Railway fare paid to Office if engaged. Enclose reference and self-addressed, , stamped envelope to HENRY JONES, Sec. CHICAGO, ILL. (~.0.0200.00.06000c0.00000.00) ADVERTISEMENTS. -MBELLEFONTE, ‘* PA.*- # Music Store* No. SI Allegheny St., A large and varied assortment of HATS,' GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GO • • BR OCKERHOFFr HOUSE BLOCK; BELLEFONTE, PA. Lathes' and Gents' Fine Shoos a Sp head-Quarters for the * * Celebrated Rochester Lamp. GILLO 0110 - GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. His Celebrated Numbers, 303-404-170-604-332, and Ms other styles may be had of all dealers throughout the world. Joseph Gillott do ions, New York. t it WILE CHINA HAL BELLEFONTE